Gentleman's Manhattan
A classic, refined, whiskey-forward cocktail.
| |- 50 ml
12.5 ml
Sweet vermouth
12.5 ml
Dry vermouth
Sweet vermouth
Dry vermouth
- 2 Dashes parts
1/2 fill a cocktail mixing glass with cubed ice
Add all ingredients and stir for 10 seconds
Strain the liquid into the glass
Add 2 dark cherries on a pick and rest on side of glass, to garnish
About this Drink
What are bitters?
Well first, bitters are generally not bitter. They’re traditionally a highly concentrated extraction of aromatics like fruits, spices, flowers and roots. Generally, they’re used in tiny quantities to add a whole new dimension of flavor to a cocktail.
Bitters have enjoyed a big resurgence of popularity in recent years and can now be found in any reputable liquor store and many grocery stores. We recommend trying a few out, finding one you like, and personalizing your own Manhattan cocktail.