EPISODE 16 - Behind the Song with Jerrod Niemann


Creating something new is a magical process. It can also be the hardest thing you’ll ever do.

In this episode of Around the Barrel, host Lucas Hendrickson talks to singer-songwriter Jerrod Niemann about the art and mystery of songwriting, how parental approval isn’t always the best thing when it comes to growing as an artist, and how an important realization about our service members and their families inspired his latest patriotic single, “Old Glory.”


Jerrod Niemann


Jack Daniel’s and music. Are there any two things more perfectly paired? This duo has been closely connected for more than 150 years, from Mr. Jack’s support of the local Lynchburg group, the Silver Cornet Band, to hits across all genres that have been inspired by the famous Tennessee whiskey. But the connection between the two goes deeper, down to the very essence of their creation.


Creating something new is a magical process. It is also one of the most difficult things a person can do – whether that’s writing a hit song or crafting a whiskey recipe that will stand the test of time.


In this episode of Around the Barrel, host Lucas Hendrickson gets to the root of the art and mystery of songwriting with singer-songwriter Jerrod Niemann, uncovering how the process has shaped his journey as an artist, and how that journey led him to a deeper appreciation for those who serve in the military and the sacrifices that not only they, but also their families, make every single day.


Join us as we take a look behind the scenes of a career that was decades in the making, learning more about the people who played a role in its trajectory, from country legends to the men and women serving overseas.


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