Jack Manhattan
A Tennessee take on a New York classic.
| |- 50 ml
15 ml
Sweet vermouth
Angostura® bitters
Orange peel
Sweet vermouth
2 Dashes parts
Angostura® bitters
Orange peel
1/2 fill a cocktail mixing glass with cubed ice
Add all ingredients and stir for 10 seconds
Rub the orange peel around the rim of a chilled cocktail glass
Strain the liquid into the glass
Add dark cherry to garnish
About this Drink
It might seem obvious, but some folks forget that ice is a crucial component of most cocktails. And not all ice cubes are created equal. Larger cubes have a greater surface area which slows down the melting and causes less dilution of your drink. So before you treat yourself to a Jack Manhattan, you might consider treating yourself to a proper ice cube mold. You’ll be glad you did.